The Series ELastic Library provides a set of control algorithm. It is designed to control systems containing a series elastic (SE) element. The SE can be a spring (SEA, Series Elastic Actuator), but also links with a low stifness (SEL, Series Elastic Link). In [1], we preoved that SEL can be controlled as a SEA under certain assumptions.
Gitlab Repository: Doxygen: Documentation on a former version of the library:
The master branch contains the last official version of the library (Doxygen is autogenerated when push on this branch). The master_dev branch contains the last stable version of the library.
For any suggestion, question or need for improvements please contact andrea.calanca at References:
[1] Calanca, Andrea, et al. "Introducing Series Elastic Links for Affordable Torque-Controlled Robots." IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 4.1 (2019): 137-144.